OTN's Professional Learning Series

Build your practice. Stay up-to-date.

Teledermatology Review & Dermatology Update
Thursday, October 19, 2017 from 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.
Presented by: Drs. Benjamin Barankin and Anatoli Freiman

Every year, more and more healthcare providers are leveraging OTN’s Telederm program to provide their patients timely access to dermatological care. Using a digital camera and web browser, you can get a consult with an Ontario dermatologist within five days.

Curious to know how it works, or how to improve your existing Telederm practice?

Drs. Anatoli Freiman & Benjamin Barankin have answered thousands of requests for dermatology consults through OTN's Telederm program. Every year, they come together to present a live, one-hour educational webcast to:
  • Review best practices for submitting cases to dermatologist
  • Explore the benefits of teledermatology
  • Analyze some interesting teledermatology cases
  • Highlight what's new in dermatology
The Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN) is committed to enhancing access to education across the province. To find out more about how you can access thousands of live and on-demand learning events hosted by peers and experts from across the province visit OTNhub.ca/learning for upcoming events or webcast.otn.ca for live and archived webcast events.